
another project has spun off

this time: neuromorphic photonics

3 papers accepted at ECOC 2021

Watch out for our receivers and RoF transmission in Bordeaux.

JSAC on RF beamforming

We publish on a method for filterless delay dissemination.

IEEE Summer Topicals 2021

being already used to virtual conferences, we take on a last one…

3 papers accepted at OFC’21

we would have loved SF!

Int. Day of Light

this time virtual -> check out our fiber-optics video for non-scientists

JLT on High-Rate CV-QKD

paving the way for secure-key rates above 10 Mb/s

another PhD student kicks off

…to join the next-gen of high-tech developers

Kick-Off for Our Spin-Off Project EQUINOX

low, lower, lowest – but only when it comes to noise

ECSEL-Austria Spring Conference

being honoured to deliver a talk about neuromorphic computing

Kick-Off for Our Spin-Off Project PHIDELITI

striving towards sub-millimeter waves

2 new PhD students join the crew

we wish a pleaseant time ahead!

ECOC 2020

Two papers published at this year’s virtual edition, dealing with QRNG and RF beamsteering.

IEEE Summer Topicals 2020

in Los Cabos, Mexico – went virtual! Nevertheless, watch out for the track on Coherent Optics for Short-Reach Networks.

The role of photonics for a green century

We welcome Austrian minister Gewessler in our photonics lab and enjoy media coverage in ATV and the Trend magazine.

JLT paper published

Face-to-Face EML Transceiver Tandem for Full-Duplex Analogue Radio-over-Air

Int. Day of Light

public event, Vienna – had to be cancelled due to COVID-19.

ECSEL-Austria Spring Conference

We are delighted to deliver an invited talk on silicon photonics as a future technology as base for the Green Deal.

OFC 2020

in San Diego, United States, where we will present our latest research findings.

journey to Zaragoza

We welcome the formation of next-generation top photonic innovators.

JLT paper published

Analogue Coherent TDMA Receiver with Fast Locking to Free-Running Optical Emitters (Top-Scored Paper)

ECOC 2019

in Dublin, Ireland, where we present our work on coherent free-space optics, a full-duplex coherent transceiver and a simple opto-electronic RF spectrum analyser.

Optics Letters paper published

Synchronized Wavelength-Swept Signal Transmission and its Ability to Evade Optical Reflection Crosstalk

OpEx paper published

Simple Laser Transmitter Pair as Polarization-Independent Coherent Homodyne Detector

(first) JLT paper published

Photonic Add-Drop-Gate Node Element Based on EML Technology


We officially take up our research activity.

appearance in newspaper “Kronen Zeitung”

“Digitaler Lichtblick”

appearance in newspaper “Die Presse”

“Lichtquelle mit Ohren”

appearance in newspaper “Kurier”

“Signale völlig neu erfasst”